Monday, 8 October 2012

A recommendation: Sexual Feelings blog

I think a friend recommended this blog to me - Sexual Feelings. So far, it is my favourite blog that I have come across whilst doing my research - mainly for the pictorial content.


I sent the link to a friend at work recently and then quickly sent a follow up email:

'Err...perhaps don't open this at work?!'

That wouldn't have gone down well...

It also works very nicely on my smart phone. I need to explore the tumblr blogging platform in more detail as it doesn't seem to comply to the rules I know of blogging thus far.

I have no idea how to comment for instance and I am often wondering where they get their amazing content. Any ideas?

Anyway...for you to enjoy! :) 


  1. I think the phrase you're looking for it NSFW! Great blog though. All the pics and gifs are fairly tasteful in a hugely erotic kind of way!

  2. Thanks! And thanks for being my first person to comment!
